Five Reasons Why Small Businesses Should Go for Ubuntu Linux

By Detector | 21 March 2013

Of all reasons to prefer Ubuntu Linux over the mainstream OSs like Windows or Mac OS is they cost a fraction of what the competition is charging users. It you had compared Ubuntu with others; you will also have noticed that they demand very little in terms of computer resources. That means you don’t have to spend heftily on new computers or upgrade an older computer.

Here are 5 great reasons why smart business owners use Ubuntu for their small and home based offices.

Reason #1: Simple and Great Performance

If you have never tried Ubuntu or another Linux OS, it is time you took a look at it, especially the interface. It does away with features that typically have no value for businesses, and that makes it light for people who want just the minimum and nothing more. However, that does not mean it has fewer features. The fact is, Ubuntu is customizable to your liking, by removing features not normally required for business operations. Anyone can download a copy of Linux and adapt it to their requirement.

Reason #2: Freedom from Viruses, Trojan and Malware

Competing operating systems like Windows and Apple to considerable limit are all plagued by viruses, Trojan and malware. To keep computers and data safe, businesses spend considerable sum on antivirus and firewalls. With Ubuntu on computers, the risk of contracting virus or malware is eliminated to a large extent. This means substantial savings on buying and installing software, and time lost in maintaining equipments. Users can also take advantage of the built in antivirus-like software in the OS. This alone is enough reason for businesses to switch to Ubuntu Linux.

Reason #3: Compatible with Software Developed for Other OS

It is commonly believed that applications and software developed for Windows and Apple may not fit into Ubuntu Linux. However, the fact is that it is not so in all instant. Many of the software that runs on Windows and Apple’s Mac perform well in Linux as well, though it might not be so universally. But little do businesses have to worry over it, because there is already a vast collection of applications specifically made for Linux cutting across different genre.

The fact that Linux is open source helps developers come up with new software at half the normal price of Windows and Mac applications. So businesses can use it for saving money.

Reason #4: Frequent Updates and Great Support at No Cost

Linux is not owned by anyone, and source codes are free to distribute. Developers around the world work on improving the OS, debugging it and fixing lapses. That means unlike other OS developers, there isn’t a waiting period for updates. They are more frequent and of the best quality. Then there is also a huge community of users who can advise users on virtually any issues pertaining to Linux. Most help is usually available in forums and in the official website of Linux. Businesses can use the sources and save considerably. What makes Linux unique is that it is free.

Reason #5: Light Weight & Easy to Use

Ubuntu Linux is light weight, consumes less space on the hard disk and requires less of RAM. As a result it is faster and easier to accomplish most tasks. But to say Ubuntu Linux is better than featured products like Windows or Apple’s Mac OS may be doing injustice to these products. They have features that are not available in Linux, but you shouldn’t mind considering that at least 90% of users rarely touch upon even a fraction of all features available in any software.

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One Response to “Five Reasons Why Small Businesses Should Go for Ubuntu Linux”

  1. Dylan Lott says:

    As a big fan of Ubuntu, I have to say that this article makes a lot of sense. There’s a lot of reasons why Ubuntu would make a good platform for a small business. I think the biggest benefit is performance, since Ubuntu is so resource friendly, it makes it so that a computer is usable for a longer period of time.


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