Google plus (Google+) Shortcuts and Cheatsheets Disclosed

By Detector | 14 July 2011

As Google+ become social network which connect Facebook and Twitter features you should find some fast way to work within this site faster using shortcuts and cheatsheets. We have found some list of useful shortcuts and cheatsheet which will ease you work with this growing social network. The list is presented as screenshot below and it is created of Google+ user Simon Laustsen.

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2 Responses to “Google plus (Google+) Shortcuts and Cheatsheets Disclosed”

  1. Carry says:

    Thanks so much for the cheat sheet! I think the hotkeys will be useful to me, but striking through a word? I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone bother with that one. Great that they put it in though.

  2. I cant work out why I cant sign up to google plus when others are saying they have created their profile. Is it limited to certain countries and towns etc…?


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