Britannica is copying Wikipedia

By Detector | 25 January 2009

On-line edition of Encyclopedia Britannica is opened for editing a broad masses, with some oversight.

Although once people from Encyclopedia Britannica declared Wikipedia just a collection of data and not the quality encyclopedia, now they had to copy things from their competition.

Access to edit articles Britannica on-line now provided to all. This move is directed towards the popularization of Britannica, but with the added precautions. Unlike Wikipedia, all changes will have to first get approval from one of 4000 experienced author of articles and the whole process should not take longer than 24 hours. Also, to edit articles will be required to register with the right name and address, while at the Wikipedia articles can be edited anonymously, and all that is recorded is the IP address of the computer from which there has been a change. Britannica will make a detailed record of each type changes and they will add system for article evaluation.

A large number of articles published in the on-line edition will be also published in printable version of Encyclopedia Britannica, which is published every two years.

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2 Responses to “Britannica is copying Wikipedia”

  1. The only way for them to survive is to hybridize, become a wikipedia addon, like many companies suffering from future shock they fail to see who is the bigger fish here.


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