Cuil – the new search engine

By Detector | 28 July 2008

Cuil is new search engine, founded by the ex workers of Google. The company start to work at the end of 2006, with a 33 million initial invest and the founders says that it will be a real Google competition. Cuil is offering a new search service at and it can index, faster and more cheaply, a far larger portion of the Web than Google. The company internal sources says that Cuil has already indexed more than a 120 billion web pages, three times more than Google now indexes and the pages are scanned 12 times, searching the key words before they are indexed.

The engine is also faster than Google, and it is based on content and the links of the page, while Google’s engine is based only on the links of the web page. So the search results with Cuil will be more precise, and you will spent less time searching the things you need. Cuil may or may not offer superior searching. A few sample searches on both engines found Google delivering more results, though the actual quality of those results will always be subjective.


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