Internet conspiracy: The End of the internet will be in the year 2012
Every significant Internet provider around the world is currently in talks with access and content providers to transform the internet into a television-like medium: no more freedom, you pay for a small commercial package of sites you can visit and you’ll have to pay for separate subscriptions for every site that’s not in the package.
This is not a rumor; this is just clear fact for violation the principles of net neutrality and freedom of any internet user.
If “they” (ISP’s companies) succeed with their plans every smaller websites/services/blogs will disappear and multinationals with big budgets will finally success with their secret plans.
Debate for net neutrality has several years history. There have been many lawsuits in cases where an ISP’s blocked access to a certain competitor’s site (small or big). Other example is that ISP’s in several occasion crippled download speeds on services that they felt were using up too much of their bandwidth. Insider contacts of some major ISP’s confirmed that informations. All of this happened because Internet users are very active and focused: they only go to the sites and services they want, users simply switch to something else if one service becomes too commercialized with annoying advertisements. With that users go around classical mayor medium industries which offer psychological chew informations and advertisement. With this users freedom, it’s no surprise that the past 6 years the industries have secretly been planning a ‘take-over’ to secure the Internet as a purely commercial playground.
Major Internet providers are currently making agreements and planning to switch simultaneously, somewhere in the year 2012. This is currently all going on under very strict Non-Disclosure Agreements because the last thing they want is the masses speaking out against it. The guys from the video are well-known net neutrality activists, and they have contacts with many big internet industry insiders. They a part of I Power website which is platform for joining forces, sharing ideas and spreading awareness (
What we can do about this conspiracy?
The answer is simple: Spread the word and use any political or media contacts you may know. Together let’s make sure that by 2012, ISP’s will not dare to think about anything that goes against the principles of net neutrality.
People are becoming aware of the conspiracy of those internet industries. Free people can pressure those ISP’s. People must keep pushing for net neutrality laws and must start spreading awareness on a massive scale to make sure that ISP’s think twice before signing anything that’ll go against the freedom of Internet as open medium like it is today.
And, on the end: ask yourself a questions: Why ISP’s constantly growing their bandwidths for internet mass users? Is that just for reading emails or writing blogs for those masses? Or, there is something else behind that?
Tags | Business, Internet, Networking, Technology News
oke thank for your visit on my blog
Thanks for bringing this important issue to the attention of the public. The ONE thing that assures the success of the Internet is its openness – the fact that ANYBODY can post anything from anywhere. If mega-corporations restrict that freedom in anyway, we’re all losers.
The Internet should be a neutral zone; Big Business has no right to get their fat grubby hands on it and twist it into some Direct TV like package. Thank you for talking about this; people definitely need to know. On a lighter note, this is a great blog; keep at it.
Hello friend review your page and I feel very nice that you’ve chosen my page, I welcome the idea of exchanging links: ,,,,,, anything my mail is
you used the right word to get my attention. “conspiracy” im bipolar that way. haha.
this is subject matter i have seen more and more of..i’ve neglected to use SM as i should in regards to this issue. social media is one huge landscape for these sorts of things..and it needs to be pursued more fully..we need to at least know what our choices (or lack of) entails. awareness is key. ill be more active with that in the future.
well, its the first post i’ve read here, but will be returning. thanks..
@Hiram: Thank you for your support, Spread the word!
@g: That is the sad truth G. But, it help if we become aware. I think this is just a start…
@Kimberly: Thanks for comment. You are right about awareness. That is the key. Also, you gave me idea about social media for some of my next posts. I will make little research first. Don’t hesitate to visit me again.
Best regards,
Thanks for for the warning. Keep the reports coming. Wille keep my eyes open.
Noticed this forum has stoped at june 7th 2008 so has this been resolved or do we still need to spread the word?
Let those cheap greedy companies take control of internet because by 2012 the world is going to be end anyway then they will try to control their death but sadly it wont happen at all not even in their dreams.
Cool story bro
Hey wmt7x8t9oi, very interesting post, it really got me thinking. Thank you. v9 kdc g5p4i
I think everything presented in the video is to promote boobs of the only girl there, Just reload and check the video screen
I agree with you, Devian. That girl is not in video.
Why these people use video screen different with content in it.