How to install or restore Grub after formating boot partition

By Detector | 29 April 2008

If you have problems with your Linux grub installation(missing OS, not showing grub list, etc) after formating boot partition on your computer, you need to reinstall grub application. Here is the tip how you can do that:

Boot with Live CD Ubuntu or other Linux.
Open terminal.
Enter Commands in following order:

1. sudo grub –batch
This command will open: grub>

2. grub> find /boot/grub/stage1
This command will find your ubuntu(or other linux) partition – example (hd1,0)

3. grub> root (hd1,0)
(Attention: (hd1,0) – can be different of previous example – you need to enter the right linux partition)
With this command you are positioning your ubuntu partition.

4. grub> setup (hd0)
This command will install grub on your MBR partition

5. grub> quit
Quit grub prompt.

6. Restart computer.

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