Technorati Tag Generator
If you spend several minutes in the blog world, you will find the word Technorati. You will ask yourself why this word is so popular in the bloggers community?
What is Technorati?Technorati is an Internet search engine for searching blogs, competing with Google, Yahoo and IceRocket. More information about Techorati and services you can in interview with founder and CEO of Technorati – Mr. David Sifry.
What are Technorati Tools?
Technorati Tools are Plugins, applications, widgets and scripts to help you get more out of Technorati for your blogs and web pages.
Technorati Tag Generator
One of the most popular tool is Technorati Tag Generator. Technorati Tag Generator is tool for easy generation of HTML code for Technorati tags which bloggers add on each post to increase popularity and authority on Technorati. I developed this tool for generating Technorati tags for my personal use, and, I’m making it available for anyone else to use. You can find this tool on my Technorati Tools site.
The short description of this tool will be:
WYSIWYG Tag Generator or Ukion Tag Generator is tool/widget for easy generation of HTML code for Technorati Tags, which you can use on your posts for getting more of Tecnorati. This tool have on-site visual preview of tags added by user and generation of HTML code with CSS support (with no programming skills of HTML and CSS, you can create SEO HTML and CSS code) .
Create tags in few easy steps:
1. Enter your tags into the tag box
2. Separate tags with a commas (,)
3. For tag with several words, use space
4. If you like to generate HTML code with CSS Style, check box “Use CSS Style“.
5. You can edit CSS Style in “CSS Constructor” part of this page.
6. Preview of results you will be able to see in Preview Section.
7. If you not like to use CSS Constructor, just uncheck the “Use CSS Style“.
What’s NEW ! Preview is generating automatically after every add or change of tags and CSS.
When you are done, just copy and paste generated HTML Code into you Blog post. (in HTML mode)
That’s it.
Play with options and feel how creation of tags for your posts can be very simple with this Generator tool.
Ukion Tag Generator URL:
License Terms: The tools/scripts on the page, are not covered with some licence terms. I make this tools and its code available for free use, of all visitors, but, if you like to use it, as modification of javascript code, just send me an email or comment.
Tags | Software, Technorati, Tools, Ukion Tag Generator
very useful tool. thank you
This is beautiful, I have several scripts for generating tags, but not with CSS style generation on site, – this is the best.
When can I expect more functions? I need tags generator for Flickr, , Furl etc…
Hi Standard. Thank You. I add link on Technorati tools site about that – “Next in Development…” – on the top of the page. There, You will find more information about next development and dates of releases.
very good HTML code, SEO optimized with TITLE attribute for the links TAG.
great tool, I will use it regulally.
I choose border color, no change on preview – bug.
Dobar ti e generatorov.
Imam edna zabeleska.
Vo delot
… < *a title="muzika" href="http:// ...
imas dve prazni mesta pomedju ‘a’ i ‘title’.
Mislam deka treba da go sredis kodot i da ima samo edno mesto.
(Na ‘preview comment’ ova okolu ‘a tajtl’ mi se vide kako da e OK.
Dali e mozno linkovite da se so
‘ targ*t=”_blank” ‘, odnosno da se otvoraat vo nov prozorec.
Ili toa ne e spored preporakite/standardite na Technorati?
DeeJay, your sugestions:
1. non space at A tag
2. open in new window
will be updated at Monday 04.02.2008.
New version release:
1. HTML optimization – no space between HTML A parameters
2. NEW: tag link’s – open in new window
New Fix Update:
1. HTML optimization (SEO)
2. Link opens in new window